Medialoc has developed an offline player that allows secure and encrypted offline viewing and projection of non-DCP files, without the need for additional hardware. This offers possibilities for screenings in locations without a (stable) internet connection, e.g. schools, community centres or temporary venues.
Also, with the rise of digital distribution and streaming services, the demand for physical carriers such as DVDs and Blu-rays is decreasing. This can create problems for screenings in locations without a stable internet connection, as streaming is not always possible then. It also provides more flexibility and accessibility in screening films and other media files, partly because they can still be screened in a secure and reliable way.
Together with partner Mooov, Medialoc is starting a test period with the offline player to further develop and test the offline player in practice. By collecting feedback from users, Medialoc can make the necessary improvements to make the player ready for a production version.